This year small businesses all over the globe are struggling and even shutting down due to COVID-19. That is why I am vowing to shop small and local this holiday season! I hope you will consider doing the same. Here are 8 quirky and cute gift ideas for the fun person in your life! Be …

My Craft Show Inventory Price Ranges
With craft show season quickly approaching, I wanted to provide a list of my favorite things to have available for buyers. I hope that this can serve as a guide for crafters of all types! Please keep in mind that these are the items I provide as a crocheter, resin artist, and sticker maker, but …

Pattern Review: Mommy and Me Seahorse Amigurumi by Loops & Love Crochet
I find hundreds of patterns online that I just adore. Only a small percentage of those patterns that I save are ones that I actually make some day! Out of that small percentage of patterns that end up on my to-do list, one designer shows up more often than the others. That person is Amanda …

Growing My Crochet Business One Step at a Time
When life gets crazy it’s easy to fall behind on projects that are important to us. I’m going through this right now. I have just a couple months to decide if I want to get out of the Army, and without a job lined up it makes my decision extremely difficult. I’m having troubles finding …

What Am I Doing Wrong? Mistakes We Make as Crocheters
Ah, crochet. A good old-fashioned art that is still quite popular! You can’t go to a craft show without seeing at least one crochet vendor. Like I tell my friends; everyone crochets! Even though it’s not true that everyone crochets, it’s easy to feel that way when trying to sell crochet items in a world …

How This Pattern Changed My Craft Show Game
I’ve participated in many craft shows, but it wasn’t until this year that I actually started making real money. Keep reading to find how how this one pattern completely saved my craft show life! Humble Beginnings I grew up around craft shows, so I thought I knew what I was doing. My grandmother was a …

Pattern Review: Crochet Devil by SVIGURUMI
I’m going to start out by being 100% honest; this isn’t a pattern that I would have normally purchased. First of all, it’s a devil (and as a Christian I normally wouldn’t search for something like this), and the colors are red and black, my least favorite color combo. However when someone asks me to …

2019 Pumpkin Fest Feedback
Like many other crocheters and knitters, I love when I am able to put my work in front of hundreds or even thousands of people at a time. It’s even better when a majority of those people had nothing but sweet things to say about my items, and who are even willing to trade some …

Crochet Pattern Review – Octopus XXL by Oli Mori
Like many crochet enthusiasts, I have quite the collection of patterns both paid and free. I keep them all stored in binders with plastic sheet protectors and love to just flip the pages and decide which one I will try next. Many of the patterns I end up buying are for commission work from friends …
Ramblings From The Heart
Follow my blog with Bloglovin I’ve had a lot of things weighing on my heart lately, mostly in regard to my career and life passions. I have no doubt in my mind that all of this stemmed from the fact that I’m almost 30 (why me??). It’s no secret that I have a passion for …