Many people who know me know that I LOVE a good challenge. I don’t like being told I can’t do something; it just fuels the fire to succeed. Usually my challenges are money-related and last for a short period of time. For example, I’ll see if I can make $500 in a month selling octopuses …

Combining Different Crafts to Create One Great Brand
Growth and adaptation. If I have learned anything so far during this isolation it is that we as makers must learn to embrace these two words. It took me a few weeks to actually figure out what I was going to do from this point on. I had to decide where I wanted the future …

How COVID-19 is Affecting My Crochet Business
Quarantines, toilet paper shortage, mass hysteria; these are a few of the things currently affecting the globe and causing a disturbance to our lives. Some of us are out of work. We’ve all had events, appointments, and plans cancelled. Some of us are having issues finding the basic necessities we need for our families. But …

Swallowing Your Pride and Taking a “Real Job” (When All You Want to Do Is Crochet)
You will always have a mix of people in your life. You will have those who tell you that you can make a full-time income selling your crochet, and those who say it isn’t possible. Deep down we know what it is what we want, but do we truly know what it is that we …

March 1st 2020 – Life and Business Updates
It’s March now, and that means that it’s time to start thinking about spring! Wintertime here in Maryland has been quite boring this year. We only had one snowfall which only resulted in an early dismissal for the kids. That is kind of lame considering the good amount of snow we got last year. I …

Growing My Crochet Business One Step at a Time
When life gets crazy it’s easy to fall behind on projects that are important to us. I’m going through this right now. I have just a couple months to decide if I want to get out of the Army, and without a job lined up it makes my decision extremely difficult. I’m having troubles finding …
Ramblings From The Heart
Follow my blog with Bloglovin I’ve had a lot of things weighing on my heart lately, mostly in regard to my career and life passions. I have no doubt in my mind that all of this stemmed from the fact that I’m almost 30 (why me??). It’s no secret that I have a passion for …
So, where have I been?
Wow it’s been a while since I’ve added any content! Life sure does keep me busy, but guess what? I’m back! The past few months have been a wild ride. My family and I moved from California to Texas for a few months where I did some Army training, and now I’m in Maryland at …
Getting Settled Into Our New Place
It isn’t easy moving a family of four (plus a dog) halfway across the country, especially when driving two cars in the southern part of the United States…in the summertime. It’s HOT down here y’all! Our family just left our home in California, and now we are finally settled into a cozy apartment in Texas. …
Moving Day is Approaching
Ah, moving day. It’s approaching rapidly. Tomorrow the movers are coming to haul all of our stuff away to a far away land, known by many as the state of Maryland. Unfortunately for my family, we won’t be going to Maryland just yet; we have to make a 4 month pitstop in Texas. The hardest …