Crochet, Life Updates, Money Stuff

Finances and Fumbles

Priorities. Passion. Which matters more?

That’s where I am. I’m stuck between priorities and passion, and it’s driving me crazy.

I didn’t make a post last week because nothing happened last week. Simple as that. I had four days of testing in school, so I was busy with all of that. Not much crocheting happened, except for a couple stitches here and there on some half-finished items. Not much worth mentioning.

Today we had a yard sale here on post. I was a little annoyed that I had to pay $20.00 for a spot, but in the end we wound up making a profit of over $100.00, and managed to sell almost everything! I think that’s the best part, since we’ve been trying to down-size the amount of stuff in our home. We wound up donating just a small laundry basket with a couple miscellaneous items to the Attic (that’s a place on post where people can donate items, and go in and grab in some things that they want or need for free), and we took home just a small diaper box full of some things that I didn’t want to donate. It was a good couple of hours!

After that, my husband and I went to the recycling center and exchanged our bottles and cans for $24.40. It’s not as much as we usually get, but we didn’t have as many bottles as we thought. Still. Profit.

So I was sitting on the couch today, just thinking about the future. My husband and I usually argue when we talk about the future, because he sees so much potential in me, and wants me to get a good job with my language skills, but at the same time, I crave a simpler life. I want to be my own boss, maybe own a couple alpacas and sell my crochet. I understand him when he says that it would be rough if I decided to get out of the Army. I get that. We may struggle financially for a little bit, but I argue back with “well, if I get a job I don’t like, paying for things I don’t want or need, would I look back in 5 years and wonder what my life could have been if I had just taken the chance?”. I don’t want to take that risk. I want to watch my kids grow up, I want to be my own boss. I still want to earn an income, and I still want to earn a DECENT income, but I want to do it on my own.  Not many people have faith in me, because in the past I’ve changed my mind on things a lot, but I know with lots of motivation and support, I can do anything.

Anyway, another thing that happened this week: camera problems.  I got super motivated to start a kick-ass video for YouTube of me cleaning my bedroom (don’t judge me, you’d be surprised at how many people watch videos like that!), and I managed to film every single part, but then my camera turned off saying that my card was full. No problem, I can just upload the clips, delete the camera card, and continue, right? Wrong.

I did just that. I uploaded all of the clips onto my computer (pictures too!), deleted the camera card, put the card back into my camera, and what do you know…the card is still full. Okay, just put the card back into my computer, and REALLY make sure it’s all deleted.  It is. I’m not sure what exactly is going on, but my camera insists that the card is full. I don’t know what to do. I can’t take any more videos and I’m bummed. I wound up picking up a new camera card, and now I’m hoping that works. I just want to take pictures and videos again!

I’m really optimistic about the next week, because I plan to add a few more items in my Etsy store, as well as finish up a few more scarves and maybe an octopus or two. My daughter and I both have birthdays this week, so I’m hoping I can find time somewhere to work on these things.

Wish me luck!

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