It’s March now, and that means that it’s time to start thinking about spring! Wintertime here in Maryland has been quite boring this year. We only had one snowfall which only resulted in an early dismissal for the kids. That is kind of lame considering the good amount of snow we got last year. I won’t lie, seeing the pictures my friends post of all the snow they get in their states makes me quite jealous.

What’s Been Going On In My Life?
Between being a mom, a wife, a soldier, and a student my life has been hectic as usual. And now that I’m pregnant it’s even more crazy. This pregnancy has NOT been easy on my body. I spent a few days in the hospital for something called an incarcerated uterus, and now I’m suffering from very bad back pain. It’s so bad that I can barely walk, so the army is allowing me to take a language refresher course from home (thank you army!!!).
The language refresher course, for those of you who don’t know, is for Arabic. My job in the army is to translate Arabic script and audio into English. It’s a pretty cool job, but of course if I could spend my days playing with yarn I would rather be doing that.
School is rough. I’m only taking two classes right now, and they are required for my major otherwise I wouldn’t have ever considered them. I’m on my last week now, and don’t plan to take classes next semester. It’s just too much with my Arabic class and this pregnancy being as unpredictable as it is. Shout out to my husband too, who has helped me SO MUCH.
How About The Business?
Every day I’m making improvements with my crochet business. I’m taking the Crochetpreneur Business Academy, and it’s helping me develop my brand and find my niche. I’m also working really hard on this blog, and hope to have it monetized someday soon!
Another thing I’ve been trying to do is get more content on my YouTube channel. The biggest struggle I’ve found that I have is getting the videos from my phone to my computer so that I can edit them. I got a new phone and it’s been quite difficult to make the transfer. I’m hoping to get that figured out soon. I want to use that as a way to show off my newest finished objects, works in progress, and new tools I’m trying out. I think I might someday do tutorials as well.
As far as selling my finished projects, I’ve been working hard to get my business out there for the world to see. I started uploading my items onto Etsy again, and have also created a Poshmark closet solely for my crocheted items. (All of these can be found under my name Honey Bumpkins). So far I haven’t had any sales on any of those platforms, but I did manage to generate some custom orders from my Poshmark closet already.
Custom orders, right now, are my biggest money maker in my crochet business (and it isn’t a lot). Currently I have an order for a doll, three octopuses, and three baby blankets. I’m really hoping to get a few more custom orders in my book so that I can keep a little bit of cash flowing in while I wait to get my blog monetized!
Final Tidbits
This business of mine is very important to me, because being a crafter is what I’ve wanted to do since I was young. I’ve been told so many times that there is no money in the crafting business, but now with the way technology is I just don’t believe that. There are so many different ways to make money with your craft other than just selling finished products, and I plan to take advantage of them all.