I’ve had a lot of things weighing on my heart lately, mostly in regard to my career and life passions. I have no doubt in my mind that all of this stemmed from the fact that I’m almost 30 (why me??).
It’s no secret that I have a passion for crochet. In fact, I truly love all things handmade, and I honestly believe that everyone should try making things with their own hands.
I’ve had many ideas in my lifetime as to what I really wanted to do with my life, but it always came back to crafting. Sure I love making all of the things, but I also love watching others make things as well, and I love teaching people how to make things. I love giving donations of handmade goods to local hospitals, and I would love to give donations to other places as well.
I love the idea of starting clubs, and doing group projects. I really enjoyed hosting a craft show at my community college, and I would absolutely love to do it again!
These are all things that I know I could do, but the real question is: Could I make a living doing it?.
I truly believe that if someone has a passion, or a dream that they absolutely cannot get out of their head, then that is what they are to be doing with their lives, whether they make six figures doing it or not. Especially these days with how easy it is to get your ideas and products to millions of people all over the world.
I guess the point of this post was really to just put what was weighing on my heart onto paper (or screen), and to set a plan in motion. My plan is this: to work toward making a living doing what I truly love, and to become a role model in the crafting community.
Now please enjoy this photo I took of my most recently completed caterpillar (pattern by Hookabee), and have a wonderful day filled with whatever it is you are passionate about.

Just follow your Heart